ACE-DL is an Amstrad CPC/Plus Emulator

Last official release Noël - 2024/12/24
Spanish traductions, new shortcuts..
x64 (64 bits)
x86 (32 bits)
All versions
Linux 64 bits
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (AVX2)
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for old AMD CPU
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS for old Intel CPU

As far as i know the record of the oldest CPU is an Athlon-II (2008) with a Linux version. If you have trouble with a release, do not hesitate to contact me on cpcwiki.

Additional Stuff
RASM Assembler 2.3.1
UniLoad ZIPuniDOS website
SymbOS HDD ZIPSymbOS website
OPL3 Archive ZIP
BND4 Goldorak
Yann Serra Glorious Benediction
Complete dev environment

Screen Filters (Raw, CTM, Trinitron, Atari, GT green, GT grey)
screen filter demonstration

Original flavour for MorphOS